I'm Certified. Really!

Gregg • January 30, 2023

I’m certified…really!

Everyone has an interest in knowing either:

1.     How to prove to an employer you are ABC alcohol certified, or…

2.     If a current or newly hired employee is ABC alcohol certified

How can an employee prove they are ABC alcohol certified?

The employee can take a screenshot or photo of their Server Certificate Details—found on their ABC dashboard—to demonstrate certification. Be sure to include your name shown above the Server Certificate Details. This is what that would look like:

As shown in the above screenshot, the Server Certificate Details is “your digital RBS certificate.” In other words, the ABC does not provide a PDF certificate to download.

Sharing a screenshot or photo via text, email, or a printout is the only thing an employee can do to demonstrate they are certified to their employer.

How can a business know if an employee is ABC alcohol certified?

Can an employer simply ask its current staff and those newly hired to provide a screenshot or photo of the person’s Server Certificate Details?

Sure. But technically, the employer is risking an ABC violation. 

Don't shoot the messenger. I’m only sharing the facts. 

And as the ABC reminded me (while I did research for this blog), the law requires licensees to use the ABC’s database to confirm the certification status of an employee. This is reflected in the Server Certificate Details Note: “You will need to provide your Server ID number to your employer for verification in the RBS Portal.”

Yes, that’s right, this requires you to create a License Administrator Account. Again, I am only the messenger. 

Let’s answer some questions you might have.

What is a License Administrator?

“The License Administrator is the person responsible for managing your license online. It should be the licensee, or someone designated to perform functions on the licensee’s behalf.”

Can the ABC tell if I am using License Administrator?

Yes. In fact, I was told they can “see activity to confirm the licensee is checking certification status and can compare when status was checked versus when someone was hired.”


If I already created a Server account on the ABC Portal, do I need to start over to create a License Administrator account? 

Not completely. Log in to your Server account and click My Applications on the navigation bar.  Then click New Application, and then click License Administrator.

When using License Administrator, am I required to use the roster function, where I enter the name of each employee?

No. You are only required to use License Administrator to search the certification status of staff.

Are there benefits to using the roster function within License Administrator?

Yes. Here are a few:

You’ll always know the certification status of your employees entered into the roster database. For example, if the employees have registered on the ABC Portal, if they are registered but not certified, or if they are certified. 

You will be notified (as will the server) by email when the server’s certification is about to expire.

The licensee can also see the next renewal date for their liquor license.

The ABC anticipates additional features being offered through the License Administrator account.

Creating a License Administrator account requires a validation code, what the hell!?

This is the biggest frustration I’ve heard from clients. 

The ABC mailed validation codes to licensees in June and July 2022. Many licensees simply no longer have the mailed letter for very good reasons: the person who opened the mail didn't pass the letter on to the appropriate decision maker, or the licensee didn’t fully appreciate the importance of the validation code.

If you are one of the many who needs a validation code, the licensee on record can call their local ABC district office, and the ABC will provide you with a code over the phone.

Here's a link to the ABC’s Contact page, where you can find your local district office:

Contact ABC

Once on the ABC’s Contact page, scroll down and then select your county within the Find Your District Office by County drop down menu.

If you still have questions, here's a link to the ABC’s FAQs on the License Administrator:

License Administrator FAQs

The ABC recently created a YouTube video on License Administrator. Here’s a link to it:

ABC Video

Regardless of which approach you use to confirm an employee’s ABC alcohol certification status, be sure it’s done. Consider adding to your New Hire Checklist:  Confirm ABC Certification Status.

Keep in mind the penalty guideline for an ABC licensee in violation of Business and Professions code § 25683 is a 10-day suspension. Have I mentioned that I’m only the messenger?

Ready for good news? 

The focus of most future blogs will be ways to increase profitability.

We hope you download and display our DrinkWise America poster for your staff. The poster includes a QR code and discount code for our course.

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Libba liked people and was endlessly curious. She routinely came to work and asked me, "How's it going?" She stared with those penetrating eyes and really listened to my answer. Often, she regurgitated what I said, making it clear she listened. Now, if I went on about some petty injustice, she'd smile and say, "Bless your heart," her patronizing tone making me aware of my silliness, and we'd both be smiling. When talking to Libba, you always felt like you mattered. That's how Libba treated everyone. Her customers reciprocated by asking to be in her section and tipping her very well. Customer Service in One Paragraph After twenty years of listening to positive and negative customer feedback, over a dozen years of reading spotter reports on customer service, and a lifetime of personal experiences with service, the key to superior customer service is straightforward: Make a genuine connection with the customer. Following a pre-programmed script to introduce yourself, using specific edge language, and asking the customer certain questions (can I start you off with a cocktail and appetizer, etc.) can add to the customer's experience. Potentially. But, if a server's behavior is experienced as rote by the customer, the insincerity sends the message that the customer isn't worthy of the server's interest (especially since they know the server is paid to be interested). A customer (even a partner, friend, or child) who feels unworthy within a relationship will be on high alert for perceived slights and are hard to satisfy. A customer who feels a genuine connection with a server can handle almost any service mistake if the server continues demonstrating genuine care and concern for the customer's experience. The statistics bandied about by customer service experts on how forgiving customers will be if the server genuinely addresses problems echo my experiences. Customer Service, Explained by Maslow In 1943, psychologist Abraham Maslow exposed the world to his now-famous hierarchy of human needs, expressed by a pyramid. Maslow stated the most basic human needs are those tied to the desire to survive (food, water, shelter, safety, etc.). Once our physical needs are minimally satisfied, humans crave a feeling of belongingness. Decades later, researchers evaluated Maslow's hierarchy of human needs in light of "theoretical developments at the interface of evolutionary biology, anthropology, and psychology." They could have simply said, "New research." The researchers concluded that Maslow's hierarchy was still valid while they recommended some tweaks. They replaced the need for belongingness with a need for affiliation (i.e., connection), stating: "…human beings are exquisitely sensitive to cues of social rejection, and they respond to such cues using some of the same neural circuits used to register physical pain." (Kenrick et al.) No wonder our customers value connection; it's hardwired into each of us. Is it so strange how upset customers feel at rejection if they experience it similar to physical pain? How can you benefit from this information? When you interact with customers, slow down, make eye contact, and actively listen— really listen to what is communicated verbally and by their body language and respond accordingly. Be in the moment, sincere, caring, and value the moment as an opportunity for you and another person to connect. Libba-rate the customer by elevating them, and you'll both be rewarded. Gregg This blog comprises lifted or paraphrased content from my book, The Optimized Bar, Profits by Design. To read more about the contents of the book:
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