These documents can be invaluable tools to help protect you license against ABC violations and civil lawsuits. The procedure documents are shared in Word to enable you to modify as needed. Changes in law would require you to up date the appropriate document as needed.
The following documents are available to be downloaded for free...we simply ask for your email address, so we can share our super interesting blogs. We're not using super small font to hide the email thing. Really.
Once you fill out the form above, you can download all these great resources!
Why would you let someone start work on day one without knowing about key ABC laws and enforcement actions, such as the ABC's Minor Decoy Program?
This document acts as either an introduction to key ABC laws for new hires until they complete an ABC-certified course or refresher for new hires already ABC certified (which protects your liquor license and demonstrates your commitment to do the right thing.
The procedure shares smart practices to follow when checking bona fide IDs to be in compliance with California law. The procedure includes visuals to help identify many of the security markers on California driver's licenses.
The procedure shares smart practices to follow when cutting-off customers from alcohol service.
The procedure identifies the state law on illegal drug activity at ABC-licensed businesses and the consequences of a violation - revocation of the liquor license after one violation. It's encouraged to have this one-page document read and signed by everyone, including contract workers, at your business.
The drinker guide shares basic information about the Pleasure Zone. Displaying the guide demonstrates your commitment to being socially responsible, your commitment to your customer having the most pleasurable and safest experience and reminds the bar staff of the importance not to overpour drinks.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o - Do not remove from template!!! it is important to support different fonts
17595 Harvard Ave. Ste C3900, Irvine, CA 92614